Set up your own trial
The best way to acquire customers is to show them what you've got. In our case, that's a taste of all-purpose Bondix WAN Bonding on Teltonika devices. This webpage gives you our best practice for setting up your own Bondix trial.
The Basics
You want customers to try out our joint solution in order to win them over much easier. They either already have Teltonika devices or acquire them from you and you provide them with Bondix WAN Bonding and expertise on it.
The easiest way to get someone to try something is by giving it to them for a limited period of time. In our case, that is 7 days but 14 days would also be possible. Anything longer than that will only elongate your sales process: Who won't test within 14 days neither will do so in 30 or more.
Right now, ...
... when a customer visits our Trial Landing Page, ...
... they enter their data in the form, hit "Sign me on", ...
... and then automatically get an email with a button to click.
This click takes them to our activation page that gives them their unique trial license code they can then use with their Teltonika router.
The Components
To set up such a trial campaign, we need four things beforehand:​​
Bondix Server​
Either operated by you (in that case we'll need the credentials) or us, with the right adjustments and a respective Bondix Enterprise license​
Implemented on your landing page, branded according to your CI, and connected to said server, collecting customer data
An automated email, branded according to your CI, that serves as double opt-in to verify the email address entered in the webform
Response Email
A page, branded according to your CI, that displays the customer's unique license code and gives the next steps to activate it in the Teltonika router
Code Page
We'll need from you
Your CI guidelines
Used fonts, colors, and logos -
Credentials for a trial server if you want to host regionally
You'll get from us
A trial registration form to be implemented in your trial campaign landing page via iFrame, branded according to your CI guidelines
Email automation on trial registration, branded according to your CI guidelines
Code page, branded according to your CI guidelines
An unlimited test license for your trial server​​ if provided